The informal sector in an economy may be a source of unfair competition to registered, formal firms and also deprive governments of potential tax revenue and diminish a government's capacity for regulatory oversight. The indicators on this page measure the degree of informality among businesses in 159 economies. The results are based on surveys of more than 219,000 firms. A database query tool is available to help you better understand the scope of informality across various firm subgroups. You can also generate graphs to compare economies.
In addition to the Enterprise Survey data, we have also conducted surveys specifically for informal firms. These surveys can be found in the Full Survey Data section for the following 17 economies: Angola, Argentina, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Cape Verde, Democratic Republic of Congo, Côte d'Ivoire, Egypt, Guatemala, Madagascar, Mali, Mauritius, Nepal, Niger, Peru, and Rwanda.
To see the details for a specific economy, click on the links below. Click on column headers to sort data.