Enterprise Surveys launch a new round of data collection in more than 60 economies

Interviews with firms have started collecting data to help understand the business environment in more than 60 economies.

Top managers and business owners of more than 35,000 establishments across more than 60 economies will be interviewed during the Enterprise Surveys’ new data collection activity. The fieldwork has started in November 2023 and will be completed by September 2024.

The World Bank Enterprise Surveys (WBES) are nationally representative firm-level surveys. Using a globally comparable questionnaire, the surveys cover a broad range of topics that help understand the business environment of an economy. These include access to finance, corruption, infrastructure, competition, and performance measures. The data and findings intend to help policymakers identify, prioritize, and implement reforms of policies and institutions that support efficient private economic activity.

Beyond the WBES’ standard activity to produce data and research on the micro-economic underpinnings of growth, data collected in this new activity will also support the indicators of the Business Ready project - the World Bank’s flagship report that assesses the business environment worldwide. The new activity is a continuation of the ongoing effort to collect data in 51 economies.

All information collected through the WBES will be publicly available. These include raw granular data, the WBES indicators, data to inform the Business Ready scores, as well as the calculations to obtain the indicators and scores. The raw granular data will complement the already available 315 surveys collected through a consistent methodology across the world.

How are we collecting data?

To ensure representativeness and quality of data, the corresponding survey companies will approach randomly selected firms in each economy to schedule interviews. The information and opinions provided by the firms are fully anonymized; neither the names of respondents nor the businesses that they represent will be used in any documents based on the surveys. 

View the list of economies where the Enterprise Surveys team is currently collecting data from.   

Are you a business?

Please note that the selection is randomized.

The cooperation of top managers and business owners is essential for the success of this data collection effort. We thank those who participate.

Please contact the WBES team for any questions: enterprisesurveys@worldbank.org