This page summarizes Enterprise Surveys data for {country}. The graphs below provide an overview of the sample and highlight the biggest obstacles experienced by private sector firms in {country}. The 13 tables below the graphs summarize key factual indicators at the economy and regional levels for each of the business environment topics. A few subjective indicators are also available.

  • Business owners and top managers in {total} firms were interviewed from {startdate} through {enddate}.

    number of firms surveyed

Generate a custom-path for country including standard errors, indicator values by firm subgroups, historical data and comparable economies.


         *  This indicator is computed using data from manufacturing firms only.

  1. Most surveys were administered using the Enterprise Surveys Global Methodology as outlined in the Methodology page, while some others did not strictly adhere to the Enterprise Surveys Global Methodology. For example, for surveys which do not follow the Global Methodology, the Universe under consideration may have consisted of only manufacturing firms or the questionnaire used may have been different from the standard global questionnaire. Data users should exercise caution when comparing raw data and point estimates between surveys that did and did not adhere to the Enterprise Surveys Global Methodology. For surveys which did not adhere to the Global Methodology plus Afghanistan 2008, any inference from one of these surveys is representative only for the data sample itself.
  2. Regional and "all economies" averages of indicators are computed by taking a simple average of economy-level point estimates. For each economy, only the latest available year of survey data is used in this computation. Only surveys, posted during the years 2013-2023, and adhering to the Enterprise Surveys Global Methodology are used to compute these regional and "all economies" averages.
  3. Descriptions of firm subgroup levels, e.g. how the ex post groupings are constructed, are provided in the Indicator Descriptions (PDF, 710KB) document.
  4. Statistics derived from less than or equal to five firms are displayed with an "n.a." to maintain confidentiality and should be distinguished from ".." which indicates missing values. Also note for three growth-related indicators under the "Performance" topic, these indicators are not computed when they are derived from less than 30 firms.
  5. Standard errors are labeled "n.c.", meaning not computed, for the following: 
         a) indicators for all surveys that were not conducted using the Enterprise Surveys Global Methodology and
         b) for indicator breakdowns by ex post groupings: exporter or ownership type, and gender of the top manager.
  6. Real growth rates (namely, real annual sales growth and real annual labor productivity growth) are calculated using the WDI data. Consequently, these indicators change when the WDI data is updated.
  7. Please cite our data as follows: Enterprise Surveys, The World Bank.