Informal Businesses

The Informal Sector Enterprise Surveys are produced by the Enterprise Analysis Unit to measure the characteristics and activities of unregistered businesses. Informal businesses are found everywhere and play a significant role in economic activity. However, they are generally missing from official records, listings of active businesses, and business-level surveys.

The Informal Sector Enterprise ­­Surveys fill this data gap by following a rigorous survey methodology that fits the unique characteristics of the sector. The surveys use tailored questionnaires and a geographically-based sampling strategy, Adaptive Cluster Sampling, which discovers these businesses while also obtaining representative samples.

The indicators provide a snapshot using all completed Informal Sector Enterprise Surveys. To see the Profile of Cities, summarizing results by economy, please see Coverage below. Raw and indicator data at the business level are available on the data portal, both by economy and across. 


The indicators provide a snapshot using all completed Informal Sector Enterprise Surveys. Raw and indicator data at the business level are available on the data portal, both by economy and across.

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